See the latest newsletter for important dates and information.


‘Learning together, growing together, aiming high’ 

 At Langtree school we are: 

  • Resourceful 

  • Resilient 

  • Reflective 

  • Reciprocal 

With the understanding that we grow through exploration and curiosity, our children are resourceful. They are given opportunities to take risks, develop resilience and question in order to make discoveries and find alternative paths. Through engaging, responsive teaching within a broad and balanced enquiry-based curriculum, they thrive as learners. 

Reflecting on their achievements and identifying next steps, our children are supported to recognise their progress and continue to aim high. They develop determination and experience success. 

A reciprocal approach is key. Respecting each other’s learning journeys, the children at Langtree Community School see the potential in everyone. They are both inspired and inspire others, are supported and support one another. 


The curriculum at Langtree Community School is developed from an understanding of our children - their interests, knowledge and experiences - to ensure that we build upon these during their time at our school.

Our curriculum is underpinned by the statutory requirements of the EYFS and the Primary National Curriculum. Knowledge, skills and concepts progress through each year group in all subject areas. Fundamental to this, are our Learning Powers and Growth Mindset culture, which equips the children with the skills to become life-long learners.

We have a thematic rolling programme which adapts to the needs of our mixed age classes. Our curriculum is engaging, designed to motivate and inspire our children and to give a purpose to learning. Our enquiry based curriculum is taught through discreet subjects, but is well planned to make purposeful links between subject areas. We believe this supports contextualization, embeds skills and knowledge and encourages our children to see themselves for instance, as an artist, musician or scientist. We value the importance of real life experiences to enrich our teaching and to engage the children in their learning through exciting ‘hooks’ and final outcomes. This includes planning opportunities for visitors, outdoor learning, educational visits, community links and acknowledgement of global, national and local events.
 Our School Curriculum Maps
Curriculum Progression Documents

Religious Education

Since 1944 all schools have been required to teach RE to all pupils on roll (except those withdrawn by their parents) RE must be provided for all children registered in state-funded schools in England. Local authority maintained schools must follow the locally agreed syllabus (Devon and Torbay Syllabus 2019-2024)
Our school follows the Devon and Torbay Syllabus - see link below

Swimming and water safety

All schools must provide swimming instruction either in key stage 1 or key stage 2.
In particular, pupils should be taught to:

  • swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
  • use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
  • perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations

Please click here for the link to the National Curriculum