This week, nursery and reception children have made fruit skewers to link with their maths learning on pattern. The Nursery children used their knowledge of ABAB patterns to create their fruit skewers to end their topic and Reception children have now started their topic on pattern with this activity.
The children have started their Chinese New Year learning that they will be focusing on for the next few weeks. The roleplay area has been transformed with decorations and roleplay items such as outfits to dress up in and pretend noodles to serve. They have also been decorating lanterns with tissue paper.
This week, Class F have been busy with a variety of activities. On Tuesday, they were lucky enough to have a visit from Kim, who brought a selection of animals in for the children to look at, hold and touch. The children have also made bird feeders from lard, pinecones and seeds to help bring more birds to the school.
17th January 2025
This week, Class F have been thinking about birds because of the Big School/Garden birdwatch. They have been outside with tick lists and been very quiet hoping to catch sight of birds. We have learnt the names and thought about what these birds look like. The children haven’t been that successful in seeing many birds in our outside area, so this would be a lovely activity to do at home. Check out the RSPB website for more information.
We have also been doing more learning about Space and in the coming days will write our own ideas for a story based on the book ‘Whatever Next!’ thinking about who, what, where and why.
Reception children have also been learning about instruction writing by learning about the book 'How to wash a woolly mammoth'. Pictures below.
10th January 2025
This week, Class F’s learning has been based around the book ‘Whatever Next!’ to start their Space learning topic. The children have listened to the book and explored what happened in it. They have begun to create a story map of the book. They have also taken part in a circle time talking about their Christmas holidays and what they got up to before writing their holiday news.
In phonics, the reception children have learnt the new phonics sounds l, ll and ss. They have learnt the action for the sounds, practiced writing the graphemes and have read words containing the sounds. In maths, the children have been practicing writing numbers and recognising numerals.
The Nursery children have been continuing with their instrumental sounds phonics sessions. They have been learning the names of instruments and the sounds these make when using them in games. In maths they have been learning about pattern and have been creating AB patterns in their sessions.