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Outdoor Learning

Autumn 2024
Class One have been learning about different habitats and in outdoor learning we went on minibeast hunt to see what creatures live in our school habitat. 
January 2024
Class One have an exploring maps in Outdoor learning. We have been using maps to locate landmarks in our school and started to use a compass to work out which way we were travelling. 
We used language to explain what was near and far from our location and started to explore what was on our left and right. 
We looked at aerial views and had a go at making simple maps from a birds eye view. 
December 2023
Class Two took part in team building challenges. One was to build a giant marble run which had a drop, right angle and a release start for the ball. The second was to build a den which would keep you dry using loose parts. 
The children had to share ideas and explore construction methods when building. 
September 2023 
Class Two harvested apples from our school garden. We discussed different ways the=at the apples could be used or preserved. 
The class voted to bake apple cake and worked in groups to follow simple instructions to bake apple cake. 
September 2023
Class F gathered apples from our school garden and used tools to chop and make yummy  apple cake. 
September 2023
Class One collected interesting objects from the garden and sorted them into 3 groups. Alive, non-living or never been alive. The children shared their thoughts and reasons to why they thought which category their object should belong. 
July 2023
Class 2 have been exploring ordnance survey maps. They learnt how to use a grid reference to locate a place on the map. They made they own maps and used the ordnance survey map key to create landmarks and added their own grid reference grid. 
July 2023
Class One were very excited to harvest the blackcurrants in the school garden. They compared the differences in the berries and we discussed which were ripe and how we knew they were ready to pick.
We used the blackcurrants to bake some delicious white chocolate and blackcurrant cookies. 
June 2023
Class One went on an animal hunt in our outdoor learning area. They worked together to sort the creatures in herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. 
June 2023
Class Two have been carrying out some fieldwork and recording how much rainfall we are getting. They made their own rain gauges from plastic bottles and have recorded how much rainfall we received over a week. 
June 2023
Class Two have been learning to use a needle and thread to create simple stitches on plastic mesh. The learnt how to thread a needle and make simple stitches such as running, back and cross stitch. 
The Year 6 children shared their experience of sewing and supported Class Two if they needed help. 
May 2023
Class One looked at maps in their Outdoor learning session. They mapped out their journey to school on large pieces of paper and  marked  landmarks they saw along the way. 
April 2023
Class One have been working in the garden and planting lots of seeds. They planted potatoes, nasturtiums, and peas. They are looking forward to looking after the crops as they grow. 
Class Two enjoyed being creative in Outdoor learning and made ammonites from card and straws. They used collage, natural materials and paint give them colour and texture.