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Class 2 Spring Term 2024


In English, Class 2 have been recapping the use of apostrophes for possession and contraction. They have explored how contraction is used in our informal meerkat mail text.  


IMaths, Class 2 have been using bar models to support division and multiplication facts. They have enjoyed using related multiplication (6 ÷ 3 = 2) to solve (60 ÷ 3 = 20). 


In outdoor learning, Class 2 have been continuing to use four-figure grid references to locate different places in North Devon. 


Welcome back! Class 2 have had a very busy couple of weeks back in 2024!


In English, Class 2 have begun their new fiction writing sequence ‘The meerkat mail’. The children have enjoyed identifying all the places Sunny the Meerkat has visited. They have also been looking at the layout of a postcard.



In Maths, Class 2 have been making connections with the 3 and 6 timetables. They have been exploring how to double the 3 times table to find the 6 times table.



In Geography, Class 2 have been using a four-figure grid reference and recapping their knowledge of continents.

In English, Class 2 have been writing their final postcards detailing a journey across our three focus mountain ranges. They have enjoyed incorporating their geographical knowledge from our topic lessons into their writing sessions. They have produced detailed postcards showing how they feel at different parts of the journey.

In Maths, Class 2 have been solving scaling problems. They have been representing them using bar models. Year 3 have enjoyed using their 3-, 5- and 6-times tables to help them. Year 4 have enjoyed using their 3-, 7- and 8-times tables.

In Art, Class 2 explored using black, grey and white paints to create shading on their mountains. They produced amazing mountains with detailed shading.


In English, Class 2 have been using varied vocabulary to describe the Iron Man linked with our guided reading text. They have enjoyed challenging themselves using a thesaurus.

In Maths, Class 2 have been solving correspondence problems. They have been finding ‘how many ways.’ They have enjoyed using their multiplication facts to help them solve these problems.

In Geography, Class 2 have been using playdough to create their own contour lines and maps. They enjoyed transferring their 3D mountains onto a 2D map. They have also created their own maps and generated their own keys and grid references.