See the latest newsletter for important dates and information.

School Child Care Service

Breakfast Club and After School Child Care 

Opening Times:

Each club will run every day during term time at the following times:

Breakfast club: 8am - 8.55am

Monday - Friday

After school club: 3.30 pm – 4.30 pm.

Monday - Thursday

Our clubs will have a limited daily capacity and will operate on a first come first basis, if you find you are not able book as the provision is full please contact the office.

Breakfast club

Breakfast club will be held in the school hall, children will be met by a member of staff at 8am at the gate. 

Each child will be given a nutritious breakfast as well as lots of games and activities to keep them occupied. The breakfast menu is in line with our school’s Healthy Food policy and consists of a choice of cereals served with semi-skimmed milk, apple/orange juice, toast with a choice of spreads. 

KS1 children will be escorted to their classrooms by a member of staff, KS2 children will be able to make their own way to their class.


The cost is £4 per child to include breakfast and activities. 


All bookings must be made using the online booking system. 

We ask that all bookings are made for the following week by 2pm on the previous Friday. Bookings need to be paid for in advance to ensure that space is available and staffing is adequate for numbers. We are not able to accommodate children whose parent have not booked or paid in advance. It is not possible to turn up on the day and secure a place for your child. If you haven’t booked a place in advance and then need childcare please phone the school and we will see if we can safely accommodate your child for that day.


If your child is unable to attend the session we ask that you cancel the session online as soon as you are aware and before the Friday 2pm deadline. We require at least 24 hours’ notice of cancellation before the session. If your child is unwell and is not in school you will not be charged for the session.  On cancelling, School Money will credit back your account automatically and the credit can be used to book another session. If the session is not cancelled or it is less than 24 hours before the session then you will be charged in full.


Each session is supervised by a member of our school staff. All our staff are appropriately qualified, including first aid training and child protection. 

 After school Club

After school club will be held in the School Hall/Study Suite.

At the end of the school day your child (ren) need to make their way to the Hall (Key stage 1 children will be collected by a member of staff)

Please ensure your child knows that they are attending after school club that day.

At after school club your child(ren) will have the opportunity to:

  • Have a healthy snack, water or juice is available at all times.
  • Play a variety of games and toys, inside and outside.
  • Look at/read a variety of books
  • Partake in craft activities e.g. painting/cooking/drawing/colouring
  • Listen to music or watch a DVD           


All bookings must be made using the online booking system

We ask that all bookings are made for the following week by 2pm on the previous Friday. Bookings need to be in advance to ensure that space is available and staffing is adequate for numbers.

If you haven’t booked a place in advance and then need childcare please phone the school and we will see if we can safely accommodate your child for that day subject to availability.


The cost is £4 per hour per child.


If your child is unable to attend the session we ask that you cancel the session online and before the Friday 2pm deadline. On cancelling, School Money will credit back your account and the credit can be used to book another session. We require at least 24 hours’ notice of cancellation before the session. If your child is unwell and has not attended school you will not be charged for the session. If the session is not cancelled or it is less than 24 hours before the session then you will be charged in full.


Children must be promptly collected at pick up time and no later than 4.30pm. A fine will be issued at £5.00 for every 15 minutes after the 4.30pm deadline. 

If due to unforeseen circumstances you are not able to collect your child at the end of each session, two members of staff will remain with your child on the premises until the situation is resolved or you arrive. It is imperative that you call the School to let us know of any potential delay as soon as possible, following our uncollected child policy we are required to contact the authorities if a parent is more than 15 minutes late without any prior warning. We will do all we can to make contact with delayed parents before such action is taken.