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Class 1 Spring 2024

13th March 2024

It has been a bit of varied week for the children. They have taken part in Tree week led by Mrs Heard where they have made tree decorations, had an assembly on the importance of trees and will also be sharing this work with Parents and Carers on Friday afternoon.

The children have thoroughly enjoyed History this week when we explored what  we thought Neil Armstrong world need to take into space back in 1969. We linked this back to the work we did on timelines in the Autumn term and thought about items which were available and those which he wouldn’t have been able to take because it wasn’t invented yet. The children then picked what they would take and had to share this and explain why.

21st February 2024

In English this week, we have begun a new text (a bit off the plan) called Emily Brown and the Thing. We are using this text to consolidate our extended story writing skills and also to continue the fantastic work the children did in the previous topic on adjectives and adverbs.

In maths we have begun working on counting in multiples of 2, 5 and 10 and also using repeated addition and arrays to multiply. We have looked at images and used resources to represent a range of different questions.

For this terms History topic, we will be learning all about Neil Armstrong’s voyage to the moon, Tim Peake’s time in Space and the current 2024 exploration of Mars and beyond.

31st January 2024

Thank you to all the children who completed their Geography home learning, the maps that I have seen so far are amazing. Lots of travels across the UK!

We have a very mixed up fairy tale to write this week in class 1 – Jack, wearing his flame-red coat is going to sell his old, frail cow so heads off along the river. He has to cross the rickety bridge but is stopped by an angry giant who is hungry…

The children have been helping me to construct full sentences which make sense and we have been thinking of and sharing the best possible adjectives and adverbs to make it sound great.

In maths, we have mastered comparing and are now moving on to problem solving. We have been discussing how to read and unpick the information in each question then find the ‘actual maths’ within it – what is the question asking us to do?

17th January 2024

Class 1 have been busy reading, watching and listening to a range of fairy tales this week. We have become familiar with stories such as the 3 Billy Goats, Rumpelstiltskin, Goldilocks and The enormous Turnip. In the last few days we have focused more on HOW to create good sentences; with capital letters, full stops, fingers spaces, adjectives and adverbs (Y2)

In maths, we have been using resources to develop and show their understanding of place value. Next week we will be moving on to comparing numbers using language, number lines and also the symbols for greater than, less than and equal to.

In Geography, we have explored the World using Google Earth, leant about the continents and oceans of the world and we have begun finding out about the UK and its countries.