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Class 3 Autumn Term 2024

Dear Parents and carers,
Over the past few weeks we have been learning about water resistance in our. Science and have been experimenting with how different shapes move through the. Water. We have also been studying a new text: The Day the Crayons Quit. We have been writing letters as crayons to our  imaginary owners to air our grievances.
in our maths we have been working hard to secure the main operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This has been a challenge, but one that we have risen to superbly. Rest assured that we will revisit these concepts many times before the end of the school year, so that we are secure in them by the summer. 

As always if there are any issues, problems or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to seeing many of you at the parents evening. Mr Long
Hello and welcome back to all of Class Three and their families.
I hope you have had the most wonderful of summers, full of rest and relaxation. I am happy to say I will be teaching Class Three this year and just wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you that have come up and made me feel so welcome these first few weeks. I look forward to meeting all of you over the course of the year. 
We have come back to Class Three and immediately I have been able to see the hard work that the class are putting into their work. We have begun by studying the book "Here We Are" by Oliver Jeffers. 
We have all ensured we have a correct reading book and should be bringing it home each night. We should aim to read at home, at least three times a week. Credits will be given to all children who achieve this, and indeed, all who exceed it. We also have our time table rockstars. All children have been given their logins and we should aim to complete 10 one minute sessions a week. 
Over the course of this week this term's home learning tasks will be published in the usual way.  
Linking to our book we have been improving our map skills in class three locating the important parts of our country and indeed the world. In our reading we have been studying extracts on the book "Haunters" and also a text on the sinking of the Titanic. In our Maths we have begun by looking at the importance of the placement digits within numbers and will be moving on to look at negative numbers and rounding. 
We have also begun to look at our History work for this Term: The Tudors and have begun by looking at how different people may have seen him during his reign. 
In Computing we have begun to discuss staying safe online and the dangers that can occur when using a computer. 
If you have any questions of queries about anything please do not hesitate to contact me either when I am on the gate or contact the office to arrange a meeting or a phone call.
I hope that you will remain safe and warm over the next few weeks and my next update will be towards the end of September.
Mr Long 

8/11/24 Home Learning Class 3 


Dear Parents and Carers. Welcome back to term 2 here in class 3. We will be continuing to look this term at the Tudors but moving onto considering Elizabeth I and the challenges she faced when she came to the throne. This will move on to the threat of the Spanish Armada and the results of that conflict. In our Maths we will be expanding out learning to consider the importance of fractions decimals and percentages. In our English we will also be looking at the book Flotsam and writing imaginative narratives before moving on to poetry.  We are looking at artificial intelligence in computer and have been training software to recognise items around the classroom.

Home Learning 


Please choose one of the following options to complete over the second half of the Autumn Term. This will be due in Thursday 19th December 2024. 

  1. ICT: look around your house for a problem which AI may solve. Design a creation which could solve this problem using AI. This could either be a written description or an annotated diagram.  


  1. History: We are learning about the Tudors. Pick any of the main players of the Spanish Armada and create a fact file on them. 


  1. Science: Create a perfect parachute for an egg. Egg dropped from the highest height undamaged will receive 15 credits. No boiled eggs allowed. Video or photo submissions accepted.  


  1. RE: Create a presentation on the Christmas periods around the world. This can be on paper or a online. 


  1. Create a book review on a book of your choice. 


You can have double credit for any of these by your parents signing a note to say you have completed this completely independent of them and that they have not had to have any input in it.  



We expect the children to read 5 times a week – you can read to an adult (as it is always good to read aloud to practise your expression) or talk to your adult about what you have read. 

Christmas is truly in the air. But that doesn’t mean the work stops in class 3. Alongside learning about coordinates and translation in maths we have been writing our own versions of the night before Christmas showing a variety of skills. We have been showing our DT skills as well practising a variety of stitches such as blanket, running and back stitch.
We have then designed and made Christmas stockings to see how much chocolate they can hold. We attach some pictures here below f the process. My thanks to Mrs Heard and Mrs Mitchell for their sewing expertise and help.