See the latest newsletter for important dates and information.

Admission Arrangements

There are two kinds of admissions to school: normal round admissions and in-year admissions.

Normal Round Admissions

For normal round admissions, parents should apply during the academic year before the child is due to start. For Reception and Year 3 junior school transfer, applications are made between 15th November and 15th January before places are available in the September. For Year 7 secondary transfer, applications are made between 1 September and 31 October for admission in the following September.

You can apply after the closing dates but your application will only be dealt with after all of the applications which were on time. This could mean the school you wanted is already full so it is important to apply on time if you can.

In-Year Admissions

In-Year admissions take place at any other time either later in the Reception Year or in Year 2 or year 4 for example. This may be the case if a family has moved to a new area at a later date or the parents simply have a preference for a transfer to another school.

These applications can be made at any time and admission will be arranged as soon as possible. You should be aware though that a transfer between two local schools (if your child has not moved to a new area for instance) will normally only take place at the beginning of a term or half-term.

For more information please click on this link.

Admission to the Nursery

Children begin to attend our Foundation Stage Unit the term after they are three years old, although under certain circumstances it may be earlier. Parents are encouraged to stay with them to settle in at first. Occasionally there is more demand for places than we have available. In these cases, we always refer to the County’s oversubscription criteria which is available on request.