29th November 2023
This week we have been learning all about lifeguards. We were lucky to have a visit from a pool lifeguard who works at Active Torridge. He told us all about the uniforms that they wear and how they communicate when they are on the poolside. Class F tried their hand at performing some rescues using a torpedo tube and a throw bag. They gave us all a free swim which we can use up until the end of the December 2023.
In PE we have been doing gymnastics. We worked hard to perform log rolls, egg rolls, circle rolls and the end of a forward roll.
15th November 2023
This week we have been lucky enough to have a visit from the vet. They told us what they do for their job and how they might look after the animals in their care. For the rest of the week, we have been busy in the home corner which has been turned into the vets! The receptionist has been busy directing customers and writing the bills while the vets have been busy treating lots of animals.
In PSHE we talked about what makes us special and that it is ok to all like different things. We created a class paper chain with ‘I am special links’. On each link we drew pictures of the things that make us unique.
On Friday we attended an assembly all about Remembrance. In preparation we discussed why this day is important and we made some Poppies in our creative corner.
8th November 2023
This week we have been learning all about firefighters. We created our own fire safety posters to explain to others how to stay safe. In addition to this we finished off our Halloween and bonfire night topic. In our independent learning we had the opportunity to create spooky decorations and write our own spells.
In music we have begun to look at Reggae music and started to learn how to sing a Reggae song.
11th October 2023
This week we have been learning all about the Jewish celebration Sukkot. We’ve talked about why it is celebrated and had a go at making our own Sukkah (a temporary hut used for the celebration). A Sukkah needs 3 walls and the roof is made out branches and leaves. Class F talked about the foods that would be eaten during this celebration and made a soup to try. We ate the soup in our Sukkah.
In PSHE we have talked about our rights and linked this to our school rules. We talked about why we have rules and what happens if they aren’t followed. We learnt that our choices might affect others and that we all want to be happy with the things we do.
During our maths sessions we have been learning about numbers up to five and have discovered that they can be partitioned in different ways. For example, we looked at five and worked out that two and three equal five and four and one equal five.
4th October 2023
This week we have been learning all about harvest. We’ve discussed where different fruits and vegetables come from in the United Kingdom. Class F tried their hand at chopping up a selection of foods and described the texture, taste and appearance. Alongside this we talked about our food preferences.
As it is reading festival week, Class F were lucky enough to have a visit from two different authors. We went to an assembly ran by John Townsend who talked about the books he has written and read different sections of his work. We also took part in a workshop led by Nick Toczek. He showed the class lots of different magic tricks and read some poems that he had written. Towards the end of the session he helped us to create our poem called ‘This is what our teacher says’.
27th September 2023
This week we have continued to look at the book ‘Me on the Map’. We have written letters to a school in London and visited the post van to send them. In our independent learning we’ve had the opportunity to create pictures of our local area and build our school out of different construction kits. We’ve also compared what landmarks or items we would find in Langtree compared to London and sorted them into groups. We talked about the London taxis’, the underground and how built up the area is compared to Langtree where we are surrounded by countryside and farms.
In PE we have focussed on finding a space in an area and travelling around it using different movements for example large strides, walking on our tiptoes or reaching up tall.
In music we have worked hard to find the pulse to the hip hop song ‘Hey You!’