December 2023
Class 3 have enjoyed completing their Play leader training and looking forward to planning and carrying out some fun and games at lunchtimes for the other children.
They had a practice being a leader after the training and tried out some simple games and activities with each other.
Week beginning 4th December
In English we have been recalling the events of Mog and the Christmas calamity. After watching the video, we created a storyboard of ALL the things that go wrong. We also looked at some new vocabulary words including precariously, mishap and plume as these are all words that are very relevant to the story!
In maths we have been looking at column multiplication. We started by multiplying by 1-digit numbers and are now looking to extend this understanding to multiplying by 2 digit numbers. It’s a tricky concept but with lots of practise we will all get there!
While the year 5s were out doing their super swimming and having their well deserved pool party, the year 6s learnt about Viking weapons. We learnt lots of interesting facts about Viking swords, axes, spears and shields that we will be sharing with the rest of class 3 next week.
Wek Beginning 27th November
In English this week,. we have been looking at Christmas adverts. We have recalled the story of Edgar the dragon from the John Lewis Christmas advert; within this story writing everyone tried extremely hard to include lots of the techniques we have covered so far this year.
In maths this week we looked at pie charts. When the pie charts were split into equal parts, we thought about what fraction each part represented. When entire pie chart was assigned a total amount, we calculated the value of each of the parts.
On Thursday and Friday we had our DT days! We researched, made prototypes, planned and created our own Viking longhouses. The children worked incredibly hard to think about the strongest shapes, the best materials to secure everything together as well as how to make them look realistic. Photos to follow when they have all been finished off next week!
Week Beginning 20th November
In English this week we have been writing our final versions of our 'Day the Crayons Quit' stories. We have had a fantastic variety of angry equipment and objects....from pineapples to tractors, bikes to horse riding equipment and lots of sport gear!
In maths this week we have tested what we have learnt so far this year. The children have shown a fantastic understanding of place value and addition and have used all the elements of these 2 units confidently and with ease!
We have started practising for our nativity this week; there has been some fantastic acting and singing from all of Class 3!
Week beginning 13th November
In English this week we have been practising out writing based on ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’. We thought about what some gymnastics equipment might complain about and practised writing the letters in a chatty, informal tone with a variety of punctuation. We then went back and edited our work to make it even better.
In maths this week we have been interpreting and constructing line graphs. When interpreting graphs we carefully compared data points and tried to tell a story from the different graphs. When constructing our own line graphs, we thought carefully about the scale, labelled both the x and y axis and joined our data points using a ruler.
In art this week we have started thinking about printing. We have designed an Anglo Saxon and Viking circular brooch with an intricate design. We will use a quarter of this pattern to create a completely symmetrical full circle brooch.
Week Beginning 6th November 2023
In English this week we have been looking at formal and informal language and we practised using contractions, chatty language and rhetorical questions to make the tone of our writing informal. We also focused on using the conjunction 'if' to construct complex sentences and vary the position of the main and subordinate clause.
In Maths we have been looking at solving problems involving converting measures. Once we had identified the important information in the question, we had to think carefully about which unit we needed the answer in. This involved converting some of the quantities so that we were working in the same unit of measure and presented the answer correctly.
In History this week, we thought about whether the Vikings were feared by the Anglo-Saxons. We looked at a range of sources and, before using them to inform our judgement, thought about the reliability of the sources. We then explained why we thought the Vikings were so feared using the reliable evidence that we had gathered.
Week Beginning 30th October
In English we have started looking at our new text 'The Day the Crayons Quit'. We have explored some of the vocabulary that the author has used as well as the use of adjectives and humour within the book. We have had a go at writing some short paragraphs about how different objects in our classroom might be feeling too.
In maths we've been looking at the column method for addition and subtraction, particularly for adding and subtracting decimals. We thought about the importance of lining up our place value columns and used resources to ensure we understood what is happening when we exchange tenths, hundredths and thousandths.
In history we thought about why the Anglo Saxons would have wanted to come over to England to settle and how it would have been different from their homeland.
In RE we have started looking at Judaism at the main beliefs of this religion. We learnt about the Torah and some of the teachings it contains as well as the prophets who deliver important messages.
There are also (finally!) some photos of what we have been up to so far this term at the bottom of the page.
Week Beginning 16th October
In English this week, we have focused on a range of grammatical techniques. We started the week by writing a story using different forms of the past tense and then tried to write the same story using different forms of the present tense. At the end of the week we started writing some terrifyingly spooky stories based on the journey to a haunted castle. The children did amazingly well using 'show not tell' to really build the tension for the reader!
In maths this week we recapped all that we have learnt about place value this half term. We also used our rounding skills to estimate answers to additions and subtractions with larger numbers and decimals. Next half term we will focus on addition and subtraction, so this is a very important skill as it will allow us to check our answers seem plausible.
In science, we have been looking at what causes electrons to move around an electric circuit. We tried really hard to make batteries out of lemons, limes and oranges (although we weren't very successful!) but this has helped us to understand how bulbs light up within an electric circuit.
Week Beginning 9th October
In English this week, we have been focusing on using our grammar skills. We have practised using different forms of the past and present tense, including the simple and progressive forms and we have also looked at adding adverbials to our sentences.
In maths, we have been looking at different units of time and converting between these, for example working out how many seconds in a day and hours in a leap year. We have also looked at writing decimals with tenths and hundredths in fraction form.
In geography this week, we thought about the human features that the Vikings would have built when they settled in England and compared this to the human features we have today. We thought about how much easier our lives are with the vast amount of human features we have compared to the Vikings and Anglo Saxons.
Week beginning 2nd October
In English this week, we have been writing our own information texts about our mythical creatures. We have included information about where they live, what they look like, how to find one of these creatures and any dangers to be aware of. The children have thought carefully about the formality of their writing as well as using effective words choices and conjunctions.
In maths we have been focusing on converting between millilitres and litres as well as grams and kilograms. The year 6s also practised converting between miles and kilometres and we thought about when we might be in a situation where we need to convert between these units.
In Geography this week we have looked at the physical features of Scandinavian countries as well as England to compare the experiences the Vikings and Anglo Saxons might have had when living in these countries.
In science, we drew diagrams of electric circuits with bright and dim bulbs.
Week Beginning 25th September
We have had a very busy week in Class 3 this week for Reading Festival Week!
We were extremely lucky to be visited by 2 authors from the Appledore Book Festival. John Townsend came to share some of his amazing books in a whole school assembly. He gave us a snippet of his new Christmas book, shared some animal poems, told us a story about a polar bear dance and finally we helped him retell the story of how to find a dragon. Nick Toczek came into our class to complete a writing workshop with us the day after. We created some 6 word stories, made up some of our own 'fictional' poems and thought about all the rhymes we could use in a poem about Halloween. He even taught us some magic tricks!
In English we have finished writing about wizards for our Wizardology text. We have included lots of conjunctions in our writing this week to extend our sentences using subordinate clauses. This has resulted in some fantastic, detailed descriptions of what wizards look like, the special skills they have and even how to find your own wizard.
In Maths, we have been using a book written by one of our visiting authors, John Townsend, to measure, scale, convert and estimate the sizes of animal footprints.
Watch this space for photos....once Mrs Downing works out how to get them off the ipad!
Week beginning 18th September
In English, we have started writing our own information text about wizards. In our wizardology pages so far, we have written about famous wizards of the world as well as the typical appearance of a wizard and where they can be found using ambitious vocabulary choices and formal language.
In maths we have been focussing on decimals and rounding to the nearest tenth and hundredth.
In science this week we started looking at electric circuits. We experimented with how we could make a bulb brighter or dimmer in a circuit using just batteries, wires and bulbs and thought about why this happened.
In History we have researched who the Anglo-Saxons were and answered questions about what life would have been like for the Anglo Saxons as well as how it is different to the way we live now.
Week beginning 11th September
In English this week, we have started looking at our Dragonology text. We thought about what kind of information is in the book and learnt some interesting facts about dragons. We have some very keen dragonologists among us and we’re all looking forward to creating our own mythical beast to write an information page about!
In maths, we have been looking at rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 and 10,000 as well as multiplying decimals by powers of 10. We looked carefully at what happened to the place value of each digit as we did this.
In History we have started our Anglo Saxons and Viking topic. We looked at when the Anglo Saxons and Vikings were around by making a giant timeline in the hall. We then explored where the invaders came from compared to where we all live.
We have also begun campaigning for the upcoming school council elections and have had some superb manifesto writing taking place.
Lemon batteries in science
Lemon batteries in science
Appledore book festival
Appledore book festival
Appledore book festival maths
Lemon batteries in science
Appledore book festival maths
Appledore book festival maths
Appledore book festival maths
Appledore book festival maths
sharing event
sharing event
sharing event
sharing event
Purple for polio day
Purple for polio day
Purple for polio day